Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Listened to this song probably about 50 times over the course of the past week.
Also, Lapse and Gift of Paralysis have gotten ample plays.

I will forever appreciate this band and album.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This would NEVER happen in real life.

Thanks, Photoshop!

Thrown together for my digital editing class.

Monday, May 18, 2009


This is somewhat along the lines of what my thoughts resemble presently.
I hate my brain.
It hates me more, sometimes.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear Self,

You should try putting less of the following things into your body:

- cigarettes
- calories (in general)
- cups of coffee
- alcoholic beverages
- fishies (they're animals too, ya hypocrite!)

You should try putting more of the following things into your body:

- fruits and veggies
- H20 sans sugars and flavorings
- proteins
- vitamins (forgotten on the shelf)

You should try to spend less time doing the following:

- watching bad VH1 reality TV
- worrying and/or overthinking
- procrastinating
- staying awake all night

You should try to spend more time doing the following:

- writing/photoshopping
- staying on top of tasks
- getting full, restful nights of sleep
- exercising

Just some helpful suggestions!