Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear Self,

You should try putting less of the following things into your body:

- cigarettes
- calories (in general)
- cups of coffee
- alcoholic beverages
- fishies (they're animals too, ya hypocrite!)

You should try putting more of the following things into your body:

- fruits and veggies
- H20 sans sugars and flavorings
- proteins
- vitamins (forgotten on the shelf)

You should try to spend less time doing the following:

- watching bad VH1 reality TV
- worrying and/or overthinking
- procrastinating
- staying awake all night

You should try to spend more time doing the following:

- writing/photoshopping
- staying on top of tasks
- getting full, restful nights of sleep
- exercising

Just some helpful suggestions!

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