Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Raison D'etre

I posed this question via Myspace bulletin:

What is YOUR raison d'etre......your reason for waking up in the morning......what do you live for? What keeps you going through everything?

At some point in the next couple days, I'll post a blog with the answers I receive,
[anonymously, of course] and I'll give you MY raison d'etre.

This concept has been of personal intrigue for a while.
After my break-up this past Spring, I really had to sit down, re-evaluate, and reprioritize.
I began to question when and why I had allowed my reason for living to become dependent upon something to temporal and unhealthy.
Ever since I rediscovered my purpose and my true raison d'etre, I've been a happier person.
With my rejuvenated modus operandi [not in the criminal sense], I've been more focused, determined, successful, generous, and all-around pleasant.

I am hoping that hearing what others live for will be all the more inspiring and motivating.


David said...

Ya know, I saw this post a few days ago, and skipped over it. I've decided to peruse and comment on random blogs and ended up bookmarking yours, hope ya don't mind--but your thoughts possess a certain resonance I find appealing.

When I looked at this entry again my first instinct was to try and answer it, but that's more of a blog entry than a comment, so I'll spare you the crap that my mind produces at 2 in the morning.

I will say that while I can't think of what it is I live for, not in simple terms, one thing I have become aware of in recent years is a building sense that something is around the corner. I don't know if its an opportunity or a brick wall, but when I wake up in the morning I sometimes find myself wondering, 'is today the day'?

Are you familiar with the work of Toc Fetch?

Lexi said...
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Lexi said...

No, I'm not familiar with him/her(?), but will definitely look into it.

I am flattered.
This is why I started this blog.
Cathartic and therapeutic, yes,
but mainly to connect with other thinkers, dreamers, and lovers.
It seems the wheels are beginning to turn...

David said...

My problem of late is I'm using blogging as a sort of pseudo-stalling on my writing. I keep thinking there's an uber thought I'm meant to have before I really get down to work, that it's all somehow incomplete without it. Then again, maybe if I weren't doing this the wheels wouldn't be spinning at all in that direction