Monday, February 2, 2009

Won't you shine, shine on? Because, you're not done...

I am feeling very unmotivated and lazy.
My artistic block is perpetuating itself.
I think it's the routine I've fallen into.
Life feels like one big routine right now.
And, I'm severely bored.

I need someone or something to shake my life up a bit.
I love my friends dearly, but I believe it's time I start exploring
with some of the newer people I've met.
I feel like maybe they have some adventure or intrigue to offer.
Here it is, again.
My eternal restlessness.
My eternal need for more more more.

I also feel like I need a Penn State trip very soon.
I am missing the Happy Valley and the craziness.

I want to relearn French.
I want to find a new hobby.
I want to discover things about myself I don't yet know.
I want to travel and cover some major ground.
I want to shed old skin, lizard-like.
I mainly just want to begin growing again.

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