Friday, June 20, 2008

Hot nights & hotter days. Jim Noir [whom I concur with... living in the key of C sounds wonderful]. Simply floating by is fine at times. And, I am doing just that, floating atop the waters of life hoping no one rocks my humble boat. This vessel is seaworthy and I have acquired my sea legs, though they did take much getting accustomed to and breaking-in. But me&Jim[&ChuckProphetlately] are done just fine by this pontoon.

Been responding interestingly to any hostility lately. No mutuality, just pity. Pity for those with hatred in their hearts. Pity for the spiteful, vindictive, petty. That existence must be a miserable one at the core. My core explodes in vibrations of love and rock and roll, spurting song and nectar. I dance through my days, stepping in rhythm to silent songs flowing from my heart into my ears. I have photographic vision, each moment a mental polaroid for posterity. Every individual encountered is inherently good&beautiful. What life must be like otherwise, I do not want to become familiar with. I do not wish to become bedfellows with negativity.

I have ere said that happiness is a choice.
Love is [also] a choice. [So numerous the choices we humans have!]

I don't assert this in the acid-soaked, Haight-Ashbury sense.
Rather as such:
Cut free your ties to ill will.
Let go of your bitterness.
Embrace those you cherish with the tightest of grips.
Turn a blind eye to the rest
[with a Chris Crocker-esque "It's a hair-flip!"].
Seek the common ground rather than acting as a separatist.
And, love.
Just, love.

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