Monday, July 14, 2008

What Lexi is Looking For in a Mate

Of late, what I am seeking has apparently been vastly misinterpreted.
I have high standards for myself.
I don't enjoy dating around for the hell of it.
It gets extremely old and redundant quite quickly.
So, as to preemptively avoid any further confusion,
I now present to you: What I Am Looking For.

The Non-Negotiables:

1) Intelligence.
You don't need a degree in rocket science, but you must be able to keep up with me to at least some extent. I dig intelligent conversation and witty banter. I don't enjoy defining words post-usage. No pseudo-smarts either... pretty transparent when that's occurring. As I said, I don't require genius IQ... but please, for the love of god, pick up a book every now and then or teach me something new.

2) Attractiveness.
Do not misconstrue this, either. I'm not expecting someone modelesque. I need to be able to stomach looking at you is all I'm saying. I fall in "like" due to looks, but in love due to personality.

3) Passion.
I do not have any concern with what it is that you may be passionate about [some exclusions apply], but I beg of you... have a passion for SOMETHING...anything. Maybe you know more about something than anyone else, or perhaps you have a penchant for collecting something, or you play an instrument, or a special skill. Interests beyond "Well...yeah...I like to hang out with my friends and stuff" are a must.

4) Self-sufficience.
I.E. Can you take care of yourself? Are you a big boy? Do you have a job [not to pay for me, but to financially care for yourself]? Are you of strong, stable mind? I like being the woman in the relationship, so do you have some hidden supply of estrogen lurking somewhere in there? I'm fond of maturity and strength [not physical, emotional]. Sound like you?

5) Kindness.
I can't stand mean-spirited people and people with hollow hearts. "Shit-talking" bores me to tears and turns me off from people. I detest gossip, pettiness, and cruelty. I hate being mistreated. I don't need spoiled. There is a vast difference between being spoiled and having my rights as a fellow human being and my entitlement to feelings acknowledged and respected. [A.K.A. Don't treat me like shit.]

6) Loyalty.
You have one girl. She is me. Your heart is mine. Your body is mine. And likewise, these are applicable for you in regards to me. Three's a crowd. Four's a crowd. Five's a crowd. I don't share.

Major Bonus Points Awarded For:

1) Humor
2) Artisticness
3) A passion for music
4) Honesty
5) Openness
6) Ambition

Bonus Points Awarded For:

1) Willingness to trust
2) Liberal views/beliefs
3) Being a social creature
[I tire of wallflowers. Being shy is alright, but only to a certain point. Don't hold me back.]
4) Acceptance
5) Shared interests
6) Ability to be child-like
7) Realism
8) Straightforwardness

I am also quite fond of weirdness, quirkiness, the willingness to make a complete ass of yourself in public, the ability to shun the mainstream/popular opinion, and the complete disregard for what is the "cool thing to do." I detest overly-competitive males and that uber-masculinity that a great deal of men seem to find ever-so-necessary.

If you think that the ideal male that I have just finished describing and you, yourself, are one and the same, then feel free to contact me. I am searching for you...desperately.
Otherwise, pleeeeeease stop wasting my time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.