Friday, July 6, 2007

What a Literal "Buzzkill"!

After a long day at work, I joined Paul at Young's for a few beers, where, as per usual habit, we exchanged witty banter while maintaining a mild interest in what was on the bar's TV. [Well, I amend that statement. Paul paid more attention than I, as FSN was on, which I have little to no interest in.] Post-sports, the nightly news came on, during which I heard one of the most singularly disturbing stories every broadcast: a man was just sentenced to a term of between 7 and 30 years in jail for repeatedly shocking his newborn baby with a cattle-prod, beginning when the child was FOUR DAYS OLD, smashing her skull, and breaking her leg. Are you serious? Does that much evil really exist in the world? That child will spend a lifetime dealing with the pain of knowing what this monster did to her. In my humble opinion, thirty years is not long enough. I believe that chemical castration is a more apropos consequence for such behavior. In instances such as this one, regarding those who behave so atrociously as to abuse a defenseless child, I, for one, am heavily in favor of re-instating Hammurabi's Code: "If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. If he break another man's bone, his bone shall be broken."

A child is not a possession to toss about once you've tired of it. If one has made the conscious decision to procreate or made the conscious decision to have sex [knowing that doing so could lead, whether desired or not, to procreation], then one should have the capacity to raise a child. It's inconceivable to me that someone could pick up such a fragile being [of one's own making, nonetheless] from its crib, a mere four days after its arrival into this world, and proceed to bash its skull off of a bathroom sink .......incredible ......DISGRACEFUL.

I promise to post a more positive blog, soon.
[I must be coming off as such a pessimist. I'm truly not. Things that disappoint/anger me just seem to be what naturally comes out when I sit down to write for the night.]

Pray for baby Candice.

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